How MissTourist Became a $10K a Month Travel Blog

Yulia Saf turned her passion for travel into a thriving business. Discover the strategies and key milestones that helped MissTourist grow into a highly successful blog.

In 2014, Yulia Saf was balancing a full-time job with her love for travel, documenting her adventures on a small blog. Fast forward to today, and draws over 400,000 monthly visitors, offering practical travel tips and showcasing off-the-beaten-path destinations.

But turning her passion into a profitable business wasn’t without challenges. From learning SEO to going full-time, Yulia’s journey highlights the power of persistence and smart strategy. With the help of her husband and a remote team, MissTourist now generates around $10,000 in monthly revenue through affiliate marketing, ads, and sponsored content.

Here’s how she built a thriving travel blog from the ground up.

The Growth of MissTourist

A mockup of the Misstourist website showing the headline "What is your next destination?"

Yulia’s love for travel didn’t begin with a business plan — it started with simple curiosity and a desire to see the world. “Traveling had always been my passion, and I constantly found myself answering questions from friends and family about planning trips,” Yulia shared. That’s when the idea for was born — not as a business, but as a way to share her experiences and help others make the most of their adventures.

What began as a side project quickly evolved into something more. “I wanted to provide practical travel tips and help people navigate the common challenges of travel planning,” Yulia explained. Her early content focused on offering insightful, easy-to-digest advice for destinations she had explored. From choosing accommodations to uncovering hidden gems, her posts offered something for everyone.

Although Yulia was working full-time, her growing passion for travel writing filled her evenings and weekends. Little by little, her blog attracted readers who valued her firsthand experiences and practical tips. “It wasn’t something I expected to turn into a full-time gig,” she admitted.

By 2016, Yulia had started to see the first signs that she could make money blogging. “In the initial months of generating revenue, the blog was making around $500 per month,” she shared. While modest, this income gave her the motivation to keep investing in her blog and audience. Yulia reinvested much of this revenue back into, focusing on improving her site, marketing, and SEO strategies.

The first real turning point came when she began focusing on search engine optimization (SEO). “Once I started learning SEO and optimizing my content, the blog’s organic reach grew steadily,” Yulia recalled. By understanding what travelers were searching for, she was able to target her audience more effectively. Her posts began appearing in relevant searches, leading to increased traffic and higher revenue opportunities.

Key Strategies for Growing Her Blog

As grew, Yulia knew she needed a clear strategy to sustain its momentum and boost revenue. She focused on five main areas: SEO, social media, collaborations, content diversification, and email marketing.

1. Mastering SEO

One of Yulia’s first steps was investing significant time in search engine optimization (SEO). “I spent countless hours researching keywords and optimizing my posts to rank higher on search engines,” she explained. By using tools like Google Analytics and SEMrush, Yulia was able to identify the keywords that travelers were searching for and create content around them. “I prioritized long-tail keywords with low competition and high intent,” she said, which directly led to increased conversions.

With each adjustment, Yulia saw her traffic grow — and with it, her revenue. “Improving SEO helped increase traffic and affiliate conversions, which soon turned into consistent monthly income.” Within a couple of years, this led to making a steady $5,000 per month.

2. Leveraging Social Media

Social media played a crucial role in’s growth. Yulia strategically used platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook to share visually engaging content that resonated with her audience. She created a content calendar to maintain consistency and used tools like Tailwind to schedule her posts, ensuring she was reaching her audience at the optimal times.

Pinterest, in particular, became a significant traffic driver for “I learned that visually appealing pins with strong, actionable headlines performed the best,” Yulia explained. By focusing on creating pins that stood out and were easily shareable, Yulia saw remarkable results. One Pinterest campaign brought in 25% more traffic within a few months, significantly boosting her visibility and contributing to revenue growth.

By 2023, her social media and SEO strategies had driven traffic up enough to push her monthly earnings to $10,000.

3. Collaborations and Networking

Networking with other travel bloggers and industry professionals also played a pivotal role in’s growth. “Collaborating with other bloggers and connecting with brands opened doors for more partnerships and sponsorships,” Yulia shared. These partnerships helped Yulia develop reliable income streams through sponsored content and affiliate marketing, as well as build long-term relationships with travel brands and influencers.

Yulia also engaged in collaborations with influencers who had aligned audiences. By teaming up with influencers who were also targeting travel enthusiasts, she introduced her content to new readers and followers, further expanding her reach. These collaborations often led to sponsored partnerships and cross-promotional opportunities, allowing her to grow even faster.

4. Diversifying Content

Recognizing the importance of catering to different types of audiences, Yulia didn’t limit herself to just blog posts. “I began creating video content and launched a travel podcast to engage with those who prefer different formats,” Yulia explained.

Her YouTube videos featured in-depth travel guides, destination highlights, and itineraries, visually appealing to travelers seeking more immersive experiences. Video became an especially effective format for showcasing destinations and offering detailed travel advice. She also experimented with live streaming and Q&A sessions, engaging with her followers in real time and answering their travel questions.

Her travel podcast added another layer of engagement, allowing her to share personal stories, interview travel experts, and dive deeper into topics of interest. “The podcast allowed me to share my experiences in a more intimate, conversational format,” she said. These additional content formats not only helped her attract new visitors but also opened up additional revenue streams through YouTube ads and sponsored podcast partnerships.

5. Growing Through Email Marketing

Yulia understood the importance of building a loyal community of readers and turned to email marketing to nurture that audience. “I used Mailchimp to create automated email campaigns and offered free travel guides to grow my email list,” she explained. By offering value upfront in the form of free downloadable guides, Yulia was able to steadily grow an email list with readers who were genuinely interested in her content.

Her email newsletters weren’t just promotions—they included exclusive travel tips, destination recommendations, and behind-the-scenes stories, creating deeper connections with her subscribers. “Email marketing played a huge role in driving traffic back to my blog whenever I published new content,” Yulia shared. It also gave her a direct line of communication with her audience, allowing her to provide regular updates and strengthen reader loyalty over time.

Related: 50 Free Ways to Promote Your Blog

Tools for Success

Running a blog that attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors each month requires more than just discipline — it requires the right blogging resources to streamline operations and manage growth. For Yulia, this meant relying on a combination of platforms that allowed her to efficiently manage content, marketing, and analytics.

“At the core of the blog is WordPress,” Yulia explained. Its user-friendly interface and customizability made it the perfect foundation for To ensure her content performed well in search engines, she used Yoast SEO, a plugin that helped her optimize posts and keep up with best SEO practices. “Yoast was crucial in helping me structure content properly for search engines,” she noted.

On the marketing side, Yulia used Mailchimp to maintain regular communication with her subscribers, keeping them updated on her latest travel tips and blog posts. “Email marketing played a huge role in building a loyal readership,” Yulia shared. She also employed Hootsuite to manage her social media presence across various platforms, allowing her to schedule posts and engage with her audience without being tied to her phone.

For analytics, Google Analytics became indispensable. “It gave me real-time insights into who my readers were, what content they engaged with the most, and where they were coming from,” Yulia said. This data informed her content strategy, allowing her to tailor posts to what resonated most with her audience.

To keep her remote team organized and on the same page, Yulia turned to project management tools like Trello and Slack. These platforms helped streamline communication and task management, enabling the team to collaborate effectively across different time zones.

Diversified Income Streams

A photo collage of Yulia and various tourist destinations

Yulia Saf didn’t rely on just one revenue stream to make profitable — she developed multiple income sources that allowed the blog to grow sustainably. Here’s how she did it:

  • Affiliate Marketing. “Affiliate marketing became one of our most significant income sources,” Yulia shared. By partnering with travel-related companies, earns a commission whenever readers make a purchase through her affiliate links. This income stream aligned naturally with her travel content and the needs of her audience. By following sensical affiliate marketing strategies and placing affiliate links in high-traffic posts like “Best European Destinations,” Yulia saw a 20% increase in affiliate sales within six months.
  • Display Advertising. By placing ads across the site, generates income through impressions and clicks. “While each click doesn’t earn much, the traffic volume makes it a substantial part of our income,” Yulia explained. With over 400,000 monthly visitors, display ads became a consistent revenue generator. “We saw ad revenue grow steadily month-over-month, contributing to a 15% boost in overall blog revenue in 2023.”
  • Sponsored Content. As the blog’s reach expanded, brands began approaching Yulia for sponsored posts. “I’ve always been selective with brands to ensure they align with my audience,” she said. This not only added a reliable income stream but also maintained trust with her readers. One standout campaign brought in a 30% revenue increase for that month when Yulia collaborated with a luxury travel brand for a sponsored post.
  • Product Sales. Yulia created digital products, such as travel guides and e-books, tailored to her readers’ needs. “These products allowed me to monetize my expertise directly, providing a more stable revenue stream,” she shared. For example, her downloadable “Ultimate Travel Planning Guide” saw 200 sales in the first month after launch, demonstrating the value of creating digital resources.
  • Speaking Engagements. As Yulia’s profile grew, she was invited to speak at conferences and events. “Speaking engagements provided an additional income stream and helped expand my network,” she noted. These opportunities not only boosted her personal brand but also led to partnerships that fed back into the blog’s growth.
  • Freelance Writing & Consultancy. Yulia also leveraged her expertise by offering freelance writing and consultancy services. This diversified her income while establishing her as an expert in both travel and digital entrepreneurship.

Related: How We Made $347,000 Blogging in Just 2 Months 

A Campaign That Stood Out: The Hidden Gems Series

A graphic showing a laptop mockup of the Misstourist blog

One of’s most successful campaigns was its “Hidden Gems” series, where Yulia Saf showcased lesser-known travel destinations. Unlike the usual tourist-heavy spots, this campaign focused on off-the-beaten-path locations that offered unique experiences for adventurous travelers. “I wanted to highlight places that don’t often get the spotlight but are just as magical,” Yulia recalled.

The campaign launched across both the blog and social media platforms, featuring stunning photography, detailed itineraries, and local recommendations for each destination. The first post, spotlighting a small town in the Balkans, quickly gained traction. “Readers were eager for something different, and this series gave them a fresh perspective,” Yulia said. The post went viral within travel groups and attracted attention from local tourism boards, leading to partnerships that further boosted the blog’s visibility.

Yulia attributed the success of the campaign to three main factors: authenticity, value, and community engagement. “The posts weren’t just lists of places—they were personal experiences with actionable advice, like where to eat, how to get there, and the best times to visit,” she explained. Additionally, Yulia encouraged her readers to share their own hidden gems on social media, creating a ripple effect that further amplified the campaign’s reach.

Advice for Aspiring Travel Bloggers

Yulia Saf knows firsthand the challenges of starting a travel blog in today’s competitive market, but she’s also learned what it takes to stand out. Here’s her top advice for aspiring travel bloggers:

  • Find Your Unique Angle. “There are countless travel blogs out there, so focusing on what sets you apart—whether it’s a niche, your storytelling style, or a unique travel approach—will help you stand out,” Yulia shared. Identify what makes your blog different from the rest.
  • Prioritize Quality Content. “You have to deliver value. Write posts that are helpful, informative, and engaging,” Yulia emphasized. Readers are drawn to high-quality, well-researched content that provides practical insights.
  • Be Authentic. “People appreciate honesty, and it builds trust with your readers,” Yulia explained. Sharing your genuine experiences, both the good and the bad, will resonate with your audience and foster long-term loyalty.
  • Learn SEO Basics. “SEO is what keeps your blog visible on search engines,” Yulia advised. Invest time in understanding how to optimize your posts for search engines to drive organic traffic to your site.
  • Consistency is Key. “Post regularly, engage with your audience, and keep your blog active,” Yulia said. Consistency builds trust with your readers and keeps them coming back for more.
  • Network and Collaborate. “Collaborating with other bloggers or brands opens doors to new opportunities,” Yulia suggested. Building relationships in the travel industry can help increase your blog’s visibility and create new revenue opportunities.
  • Be Adaptable. “The travel landscape and digital world are always changing. Be ready to adjust your strategy,” Yulia advised. Staying flexible and embracing new trends or platforms is essential for long-term success.

What Her Future Looks Like

As grows, Yulia Saf is focused on expanding its reach and embracing new opportunities. “I want to dive deeper into sustainable travel and digital nomadism,” she shared, recognizing the rise of remote work as a chance to offer more valuable guides.

Yulia also plans to strengthen her community by creating interactive spaces like forums, social media, or live events to connect with readers. She’s exploring partnerships with eco-friendly travel brands and tourism boards, aligning with her vision of promoting responsible travel. “Collaborating with brands that share our values could open new doors while helping our readers make sustainable choices.”

Looking ahead, Yulia is excited about incorporating AR and VR for virtual tours, offering readers immersive travel experiences. “It’s something I’m really interested in,” she said, eager to push the boundaries of how engages with its audience.

Her adaptability and willingness to evolve are key to her success. Her advice to aspiring bloggers? “Always be willing to adapt and grow. The travel world is constantly changing, so staying ahead means embracing new trends and technologies.”


Ben Huber

Hi! I'm Ben. A personal finance nerd on a mission to help DollarSprout readers make and save more money. A quoted contributor for Business Insider,, Discover, Intuit, MSN, NBC News, Yahoo Finance and more, I work to help others live their financial best life.

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