12 Cheap Cell Phone Plans to Save a Ton of Money
If you’re frustrated over the cost of your cell phone plan, you’re not alone. I’ve often thought of switching to a cheaper carrier, but I worry about getting service in my area, if I can bring my own phone, and other hidden costs. But what if a cheap cell phone plan can tick all the…
3 Legit Ways to Get Netflix for Free
Netflix is one of the top paid streaming options with more than 230 million subscribers.[1] Its original shows and movies have helped the company grow in popularity despite price increases. While the streaming service is a cheaper alternative to cable television, many subscribers on a budget aren’t happy with Netflix hiking up the costs…again. I’ve…
16 Great Alternatives to Amazon for Shopping Online
Most consumers agree that shopping on Amazon is quick and convenient. It caters to your desire to save time, avoid crowded stores, and you can scroll through thousands of items with a few clicks or swipes. In many ways, Amazon has revolutionized the retail industry in this era of convenience. Amazon was always my go-to…
9 Legit Ways to Get Free Clothes Online
Few things annoy me more than having to go to the store to buy new clothes. I’d rather spend my time (and money) on just about anything else. Apparently, I’m in the minority when it comes to holding that opinion. According to a U.S. Consumer Expenditures report, Americans spend an average of $1,833 a year…
12 High-Paying Companies Offering Website Testing Jobs
According to a 2016 Pew Research Center report[1], 24% of Americans are now making money from an online digital platform. A number that’s certain to grow as “jobs” continue to shift in their setting, from the traditional cubicle to the devices in our hands. If you’re feeling behind the times, and are looking to start…
35 Stores That Give Cash Back on Debit Card Purchases
Have you ever looked at your to-do list for the day and wondered how you were going to accomplish it all? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could combine a few errands into a single trip? Thanks to stores that give you physical cash back on debit card purchases, you may be able to do…
How to Ask for a Raise When You’re Underpaid: 5-Step Guide
If you haven’t ever asked for a raise, you could be leaving money on the table. Most people avoid talking about money, which could be why 43% of U.S. workers think their employers don’t pay them enough, according to a 2018 Gallup poll.[1] Asking for more money can give even the most confident employee some…